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Home Decor - Decorative Home Accents - Wrought Iron Bathroom Hardware
The bathroom is your personal sanctuary, and should be treated with special touches. When decorating your bathroom consider adding bathroom accessories to project an element of elegance and sophistication. Unique accessories such as iron and ceramic tissue boxes, soap dishes and lotion pumps are as attractive as they are useful. Take a moment to look over our collection of bathroom accessories and let us help to beautifully transform your bath.
A wrought iron hand towel or guest towel holder is a charming and decorative way to keep your hand towels off of your counter tops. Both practical and beautiful a hand towel stand can add a decorative dimension to reducing clutter. Use one in the bathroom to hold an embroidered hand towel in the kitchen to display a lovely dish towel and even in the bedroom to hold vintage scarves or jewelry. A wrought iron hand towel holder can be a welcome addition through-out your home.